Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ghost Hand by Ripley Patton

Ghost Hand
Written by : Ripley Patton
Reviewed by: Amanda Peake

Ripley Patton funded this book through Kickstarter. That tells me she had enough interest before the book was written to begin this journey. She had a fan base and with good reason. This story is wonderful. She writes about a medical condition that I googled just to make sure it wasn't real (I didn't think so but..). That's how amazing of a job she did explaining how this worked. Now Let's dive into the character Olivia a bit.......

Olivia is a teenage girl who is funny, sarcastic, snarky, and a bit over the top at times. I don't know of any teenagers that aren't over the top about something. Her's is her Gothic looks and likes. She's into cemeteries, black clothes and coffin book bags. While I might be more interested in the dead if the living were scared of me because of a birth defect I had oh, and my dad died. Olivia has Psyche Sans Soma otherwise know as PSS. She has a hand that is metaphysical. This hand takes things out of people that is beyond Olivia's control. As the author put it she can “pick pocket the soul”. Olivia's story is full of action, unexpected twist, dramatic, suspenseful and thrilling moments.

I'm going to be waiting impatiently for book number two. I really want to know if she and Marcus are going to make it as a couple. How is she going to help the others. Most of all what exciting twist are around the next corner for our characters.

I say this a lot and mean it every time. Do yourself a favor and get this book. 

5 Stars